Exercise is Medicine by ACSM


15 Feb


We are never certain about what the future will bring us. Our mind becomes occupied by worrying until the future unfolds. Left in a situation we cannot control or are unable to take action upon, we resort to worrying about the possible outcome ahead. Uncertainty is not easy to embrace. In fact, sometimes we envy other people who can be so non-cholent and care free. But working only makes us more anxious and miserable. Worrying doesn’t just have a simple off switch for some of us. Being overly concerned about a problem or situation isn’t going to make it go away or suddenly reveal the answer. We are overcome by a fear of impending doom. Suddenly we feel ultra-sensitive. All this based on “what might happen”. For some worrying can become completely irrational.

Chronic worrying is not good for our health. The nervous system starts to release the stress hormone cortisol. This hormone can raise blood sugar levels and triglycerides. Heart beat can race, a person can become dizzy, headaches and fatigue set in, you become irritable, the body starts to ache, sweating can start, and you are just filled with nervous energy. The immune system eventually becomes suppressed, digestive disorders can occur, and heart attacks can even happen.

As a queen of worrying, I’m working on coming to terms with the chronic trouble in my life. I have learned that worrying doesn’t change the outcome. I can’t worry to make the magic answer appear. For me, I’ve turned to eucalyptus and lavender oil to suppress these feelings. Melatonin at night helps. When I am not in control of the outcome, I feel terrible waiting and wondering. Keeping busy and building patience are also useful tools. Talking it out also helps. Sometimes having someone talk you off the ledge and being a voice of reason can help.

One thing we can try to not worry about is our health. Take the important measures to be active and to eat right and then you won’t have to worry about surgeries, doctor visits, and possible diagnoses. We can only control what we can control, and the rest we don’t need to worry about put rather let the scene unfold as it will. The outcome will come when it comes, but in the meantime, release positive endorphins from exercise, and take care of what business you can…. and that’s your body.

07 Feb


We set goals to establish purpose and motivation for items in our life. Your why is what drives your goals. Intrinsic goals might include self-acceptance, affiliation, a community feeling, or physical fitness. They satisfy psychological needs such as growth and autonomy. Unlike extrinsic goals, they are not associated with receiving awards or compliments from others, financial gains, conformity, or popularity. Intrinsic goals are more about happiness and your well-being. Feelings and emotions are involved in their construction. They’re about doing something because it makes you feel good. For example, you go to college because you just want to learn. You learn how to cook because you enjoy cooking. You babysit kids because you like kids. You get good grades because you want to. If these same goals were of extrinsic association, you would go to college to get a degree. You would learn to cook so you can become a chef and get paid. You babysit for income. You get good grades so your parents will buy you something. Neither type of goal setting is good or bad, in fact they both contain pros and cons. I just want you to have intrinsic goals as well on your fitness journey.

When it comes down to it, I workout because it makes me feel good and I like the results that I see in the mirror. I’m not driven by a scale weight or body fat percentage. That is my day to day purpose. But I do have extrinsic goals too. I have a fitness studio to make an income doing what I love, and I do competitions for trophies and winning titles. BUT my intrinsic goals are the root of my being. When I ask clients what their goals are, I make it clear on the first day it doesn’t have to be a certain weight. I say they can be intrinsic and most people do not know what that means. I explain that working out can be about feeling good, having more energy, feeling like your clothes fit, and being able to perform daily life activities without pain. Those are great goals right?? Someone we have this notion that numbers, numbers, numbers, are the only thing that matter. Hey, we all like when the scale shows a lower number, but when it doesn’t, man on man, can it do a “number” on your psyche. My homework for you is to come up with 3 intrinsic goals when it comes to your fitness journey. Examples might include to meet new likeminded people in the small groups, to fight for my health, or to feel active again and able bodied. I would be pleased to hear them so email me your response Then I will know you read this blog too haha. My intrinsic goal for you is feel good, and I think I have the power to help you do so.

31 Jan


When you need to ask your friend or co-worker for help, why might you say, “Sorry to bother you, but…” When you aren’t feeling good because you have the flu, you say, “Sorry I’m sick”. When you arrive early for an appointment and tell the receptionist, “Sorry, I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t late”. Are these instances truly worthy of an apology? An apology is an expression of regret or sorrow for having failed or wronged another person. We throw the S-bomb around when we have done nothing wrong at all. The problem is that being a chronic over-apologizer does take its toll on your self-esteem. You are reaching for approval and asking for acceptance from someone else. You are being a people-pleaser. Not only this, but crying wolf saying sorry all the time, means when the real word should be used, it has lost its merit.

Apologies should be kept for special occasions, and hopefully the less frequent the better. You have to use your words wisely. If someone helps you, rather than saying sorry for taking up their time, say thank you for taking your time to help me. Surveys show that the average person says sorry 8 times per day (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2036719/Britons-say-sorry-8-times-day–233-000-times-lives.html). I mean isn’t it silly that someone else bumps into us and we say sorry?? You are not a side walk and meant to be walked all over so stop saying sorry for just being you. Don’t make yourself feel less than what you are worth by saying sorry to someone else for no reason. You are telling them they are higher up than you in that moment. It’s wonderful to be a caring and sympathetic person to others, but not when you are sacrificing your self-worth. Assert yourself and stand tall. Being sorry all the time sets a negative vibe for your emotions. Take a day and track how many times you say the S-bomb. Notice why you used the phrase. Don’t be sorry for taking the time to read this. Be sorry for saying sorry so much haha. But you get my point

27 Jan

We live in an information overload world, where it is human nature to believe everything we see or read. Just a fraction of a second after we read a sentence, we think it must be true. That is because we want to believe. The act of believing provides confidence, knowledge, affirmation, or proof, that the subject matter can exist in our brain space. That doesn’t make us gullible, rather, we become victims of myths, fallacies, and false claims. After all, what would the world be like if we generally felt that what we read, saw, or heard, wasn’t true?? Disbelief usually comes after belief. We need evidence to debunk, disprove, or negate something we have read. Our minds make us fortunate to have the ability to take in information, process it, and decide what to do with it.
Yet, a little embellishment here and there is readily available through this information. A story needs merit, spark, catch, in order to entertain us. The story might need a little decoration to be considered interesting or to pull attention. A magazine with no readers won’t be a magazine for very long.

This brings me to oh so popular phrase I hear from client, “You know I was reading about….” followed by, “So what do you think??”. Well an opinion is an opinion but if were talking health and fitness, then I can add value. Between diets, exercise methods, and the latest detox, the fitness industry has become bombarded with get fit quick schemes and supplements to reach any goal. Marketers prey on the vulnerability of believers. These believes have tried and failed before, each time believing that what they have read will be the grand answer they need. The lies from last time somehow get forgotten. This is a cycle.

This means we have to consider our sources for information, always look for credible research studies that are not monetary based, and understand that just because we want to believe, doesn’t make the subject matter true. A lie is a sin, but that doesn’t keep them out of life. I always say read a second opinion, look at the pros and cons, and then draw a conclusion based on the reliability and validity of what and where you read something. Those tabloids get us. We keep reading and believing, hence why you can read about anything on a good old Google search. But don’t Google your symptoms to the point of utter chaos in your life. Self-diagnosis can be self-destructive. Hold true to your values, listen to your heart, and don’t be fooled by claims preying upon your emotions for what you want to hear.

18 Jan


Having a mental picture of what you want to achieve is imperative for success. I’m sure you have heard of vision boards, athletes doing this before games, or business leaders seeing themselves on top. You have to illustrate to your mind what is going to happen. If you can’t see yourself where you want to be, then how is the picture even possible?? It’s part of the reflection of realizing you can do something. If you aren’t able to picture yourself where you want to be then you don’t have the confidence to be there (harsh but true).

One of my fondest memories of my mom was when I wasn’t able to sleep the night before a basketball a game because I was envisioning tomorrow’s game. I would play the plays in my head. I wanted to play well and win so bad. She would stay up late watching Lifetime TV so I would go tell her I was frustrated and couldn’t sleep. She would tell me that it’s okay my body is still resting if I just lay there and think about how well I’m going to play in tomorrow’s game. I had to rest my eyes and close them and picture tomorrow’s game. I would go lay back down and get up the next feeling fine. I still do this as an adult the night before competitions. I also use it on nights that I don’t sleep when I reassure myself that my body is still resting even if I’m not able to fall asleep. So when people ask my why I’m not tired, it’s because mentally my mom said I’m rested and mother knows best

The trick is that you can’t casually envision something. You are setting the groundwork and foundation that tells your mind to connect to this captured picture and put you there. The idea has made its grand entrance into your mind and now it’s the commitment to move forward.

Now that you see what you want, you have to envision the steps to get there. You want to take the most direct route, not telling yourself that eventually you will get there. The vision has a deadline. Focus and hone in. Practice and prepare. When we were kids we would envision very fun things like becoming a movie star or sports player. Now its about paving the path of what you really want to do, realistically. The scope on your lens needs to be focused on the picture and only adjusted along the way to make the goals met. Maybe the lighting or scenery needs to change. When it comes to your fitness journey where do you see yourself and your body?? Where do you see your health?? Are you slimmer, more muscular, in a certain size, being able to run around with the kids, or you tell me?? You SEE that picture and now it is your purpose for this lifestyle change. Have the confidence to makes these changes and continue to improve yourself so that the picture becomes complete.

11 Jan

BLOG 198 Laughter

Remember that scene from Mary Poppins where they float to the ceiling and sing the song. “I love to laugh”?? It’s my favorite. Laughter is good for our mental and emotional well-being. It truly is medicine for our mood. We are positive and smiling when we laugh, and it just feels good. When we laugh, we take in more oxygen, increase our blood flow, and use the muscles in our face and body. This means we are burning calories. Laughter is a mild workout. When we laugh, we are in good company and it’s nice to enjoy those moments and memories together. Some of my favorite times with Carl (my husband) is when we laugh so much my eyes start to water and I might even cough. I feel my abs. Laughter is stress reducing. Less stress equates to less demands on the immune system. Endorphins are released and we feel good.

Laughter balances the mind. It is an antidote to stress, pain, and negativity. We used to laugh all the time when we were kids. We would get a case of the giggles and not be able to stop laughing. In adulthood, we tend to take life a lot more serious. We should be frequently laughing to let go of our problems, supporting our mental and physical health, and enhance our relationships. Laughing is free and fun. Some of my favorites hours during the day are spent laughing and exercising with all of you. I think laughter enhances the sense of teamwork and promotes bonding. Laughter sets aside distresses in your life. It really shifts your perspective to feel less angry or anxious or even tired. The increase of blood flow equates to an increase of energy. We like a good sitcom that makes us laugh and it’s why comedians become so popular. When you share a laugh with someone you connect. It’s a moment without that cell phone that you interact and engage with someone. When my dad comes to workout with the other men his age, I love walking the hill with them as they exchange jokes. I think it is why that group is so close and encouraging. Laughter is playful communication that strengthens relationships.

Find the natural laughter in everything. Smiling is contagious. Laughter isn’t something we do it private, rather it is shared. In a world that might disagree on politics, religion, or other elements, laughter sets aside those discrepancies. You don’t have to be a lighthearted or playful person to enjoy laughter. Sometimes just hearing others laugh can make us laugh. We like to share stories about something that made us laugh. I encourage all of you to laugh more this year. Life feels a lot better with a smile.

11 Jan


We all have expectations each and every day. We have beliefs that something will happen or should be achieved. We forecast the results like the weather girl and project the future like a psychic. We believe that if we do this, then that will happen. These expectations are sometimes met with such confidence that when the outcome doesn’t match, disappointment hits hard. When the world of any situation doesn’t live up to your expectation, you are let down, discouraged, angry, frustrated, and just plain upset be it sad or mad.

Why do we do this to ourselves?? Why do we expect to lose a certain amount of weight?? Why do we expect Mr. or Mrs. Right to always know what we want?? Why do we expect a pay raise, amazing service, low prices, fast answers and solutions, fast internet, and right here right now, for so many of life’s circumstances?? Then when the scale doesn’t read back what we want, he or she didn’t meet our relationship hopes, the food took forever to come out, the tires cost way more than what we were planning on spending, the boss didn’t email you right back, the website is taking way to long to load, and we have to wait in a long line at the grocery store, well…. our expectations have not been met.

Uncertainty makes us anxious to create expectations in our minds. Sometimes our expectations are so unrealistic, we set ourselves up for failure or self-destruction. We believe that someone or ourselves will behave or perform a certain way, and when they or we don’t do so, emotions get to the best of us.

Any of this sound familiar on your fitness journey?? You expect that you have been working out and eating right that the pounds should be melting off and the scale should read back leaps and bounds of major weight loss. The truth is that the scale will never meet your expectations. The data driven mindset likes to exaggerate itself in our mind. You somehow think that a candy bar can be worked off in 20 minutes with that jog?? No, it’s going to take so much more than that. The reality is that you can’t out exercise a bad diet. Yet, you continue to expect to do this over and over again.

This is why I preach lifestyle change and daily choices that are realistic expectations and demands you place upon yourself to better YOU with or without a scale number. I get it. I get that when you feel like you aren’t losing fast enough or any at all then what’s the point?? But what you don’t see is your blood pressure lowering, your lipid and blood profile improvising, your cardiovascular system smiling, or your liver and kidney saying thank you for not making us work so hard?? So stop setting expectations that have led to your love-hate rollercoaster to no-where expectations about weight loss. It’s a daily grind, full of daily choices that need to be reasonable, attainable, and most of all…. doable.

28 Dec


We see them on every corner and this brand is the face of coffee. But where and when did Starbucks come into our lives?? What is such a readily, visible part of our day, and a frequently visited stop, has dominated our communities faster than we could have imagined. With so many beverages to now choose from, especially during the holidays, this popular coffee company is hard to resist. The first Starbucks opened in 1971 just along Pike Place Market in Seattle. Three men, Gordon Bowker, Zev Siegel, and Jerry Baldwin, signed a partnership and opened their first shop. This original store transferred locations to another spot still in Pike Place, and this shop is still in operation today. In 1982, about 10 years later, Howard Schultz became the company’s marketing director. It was he who had the idea of opening multiple chains. The three partners rejected this idea. So Schultz opened his own location and then later purchased Starbucks in 1987. Within 10 years, by 1992, the company had close to 165 locations. The company first expanded to the east coast to cities like Chicago and Vancouver. Then in 1996, the company went overseas and opened its first location in Tokyo, Japan. In 1998, the company moved on to the United Kingdom and continued to expand to London, the Czech Republic, and Argentina. During this same time, Starbucks took over all of the Seattle Coffee Co. The sky was the limit.

In 2017, the company was worth about $23 billion. Today, the company has about 28,000 locations. There are about 291K employees working for this brand. Employees are offered benefits and the company offers to help pay for higher education. They offer 100% tuition coverage at Arizona State University. There is paid time off and an opportunity to have discounted company stock.

Starbucks claims to have close to 87,000 types of drinks. There are also many types of baked goods and pre-packaged options. Almost any combination can be made for a drink to satisfy a customer’s needs. The calories, fat, and sugar are a matter of personal choice when it comes to which menu items to select. Temptation lures when the green lady on the sign is staring on the corner at you. The logo comes from a ship from the classic Moby Dick by Herman Melville. Decisions, decisions, or don’t go at all. It all depends on what you put in your cup of Joe.

20 Dec


There are 24 hours, 1440 minutes, and 86400 seconds in one day. That is the same for every single human being. Feelings of being too busy, pressed for time, and in a rush, are felt my so many of us, more than we would like them to. Two people with the exact same work schedule might handle their time very differently. As a trainer, the excuse of time is far too overused. Here are 10 reasons why time can be either on your team or against you.

  1. Your wake up and bed time. The morning doesn’t have to be so rushed if you woke up a little earlier. Feelings of exhaustion can fade when you get to bed at a decent time. Hitting snooze only makes the adrenaline rush and stress of getting ready quickly pile up.
  2. Lack of organization leads to chaos. Can’t find you shirt, can’t find your keys, can’t find your phone…. all that search time is time waisted.
  3. Budgeting your time. Prioritize what must be done followed by what can be further down on the list. Schedule wiggle room for traffic and red lights. Plan for what will take more time than others.
  4. Trying to multi task can lead to chaos. The brain just isn’t ready for that. Plus, you feel overwhelmed and distracted by so many different agendas.
  5. You want everything to happen fast. Well guess what, the line at Starbucks doesn’t allow cuts so you just have to wait like everyone else. Fast means rushed and rushed means stress and frustration.
  6. Procrastination. Cramming too much into too little time is extremely stressful. Then time is the opponent you are trying to beat.
  7. You don’t value your time. Being productive when no one else is watching is important too. Get ahead. Don’t let other people dictate you being late or you not meeting your priorities. Your time is valuable.
  8. You have a now or never attitude. Sometimes the printer just doesn’t work. Sometimes the internet is slow. Don’t get angry, move on to the next task.
  9. You opt for convenient. Well fast food will quickly lead to more trips to the doctor. Take time to cook, meal prep, and nourish your body.
  10. Next time. Not today. But tomorrow keeps passing by. Time doesn’t stand still. Pretty soon it’s over and you don’t get it back. Don’t wait. Action defines time.

Can you relate?? This year make every second, minute, and hour of your day COUNT!!!! 000000000000

12 Dec


Inconsistency is the difference between attitude and action.Its meaning is associated with instability, self-contradiction, irregular, andunpredictable. Consistency is the desired behavior. An inconsistent person is asometimes person. For example, sometimes this person offers quality service andeffort at their job, while sometimes they call out absent and show up to worklate. Being inconsistent is not being reliable or dependable. A bar tendermight serve the same drink to you and your friend that placed an order, but thetwo drinks taste very different. The lines are blurred when it comes toexpectation. Therefore, when it comes to one’s fitness journey, inconsistency marksmany people’s association with working out and eating healthy. Can you relate??

It is a common trend to be consistent for a duration, but then to become inconsistent once a few mishaps occur. There becomes a start and stop pattern of behavior. As a trainer, my hope is that more often then not, you make your workouts, eat right, and keep this lifestyle as regular as possible. But then the human element comes into play…. holidays, travel, parties, relationships, parenting, and emotion. Somehow priorities shift, food becomes comforting, and the fitness journey takes a back seat with the intention of the only being temporary. But how long is temporary?? These bouts of temporary accumulate. The roller coaster continues, and I’m left wondering when the road will be straight and smooth again.

It’s interesting that taking care of one’s health can become inconsistent. Other aspects of life do not allow this such as parenting, your performance at work, or being a good partner/spouse. When we are inconsistent in these areas, we assume that we are affecting other people so we can’t slack. The truth is that poor health does affect other people around us too. Not being able to hold your grandchild, not being able to stand for long periods of time, feeling sluggish…. all of that does go noticed. Sometimes only when the cost of poor health hits does reality set in.

How would you label your fitness journey?? Would youconsider yourself consistent?? This is an important chat to have with yourselfespecially with the onset of new year. Have you ever graded yourself?? Whatletter grade would you earn. Inconsistency doesn’t equate to results. Beconsistent in your efforts and your body will thank you. When your body thanksyou, your mood, energy, relationships, heart, and mind, will thank you too. Sobe a regular at the studio and Steve Nash and I will help you reach your goals!!!!