Exercise is Medicine by ACSM


September 17, 2024 / Uncategorized

A banana is a type of fruit that comes from a flowering plant in the genus Muca. Some countries refer to them as “plantains”. They’re a healthy and delicious snack that are very convenient. This popular fruit comes from Southeast Asia but is now grown all over the world. The most common banana is the Cavendish which is the green type most people consume once they turn yellow. For nutritional purposes, a banana is classified as a carbohydrate. When the banana is green, the carbohydrate source is more starch like. When the banana becomes ripe and more yellow, the carbohydrate source turns into sugar (glucose).

Bananas are high in many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. In one medium banana, which is about 188 grams, this fruit contains a high amount of many of the recommended daily intake (RDI) for many of our nutritional needs. The line-up includes: 8% magnesium (good for heart health), 9% potassium (good for heart health and kidney function), 10% copper, 11% vitamin C, 14% manganese, and 33% B6. This same banana also contains 24 carbohydrates, 1.3 grams of protein, 3.1 grams of fiber, and 0.4 grams of fat (good for digestion). There are about 105 calories total. Bananas also rank low to medium on the glycemic index (GI) with an average value of about 51 out of 100 being the highest. This means this fruit shouldn’t cause a major spike in blood sugar. The riper the banana, the higher its rank. The antioxidants found in bananas include dopamine and catechins which can help reduce the risk of heart disease and other illnesses. Bananas are a quick, easily digestible carbohydrate, so they are popularly favored by athletes. Eating bananas has been associated with reducing muscle cramps.

This fruit can be a sweet addition to many other healthy food choices. They’re a great topping for cereal, yogurt, and in smoothies. They can also be used as a sugar substitute for baking and cooking. They are easy to find, reasonably priced, and just need to be peeled to be eaten. No need to wash them because all the pesticides are gone due to the protection by the peel. Ripe bananas can help satisfy a sweet tooth and craving. Be considerate of blood sugar levels with any pre-existing conditions. A banana is a good choice to help feel full of fiber, improve heart health, and as a source of energy. Bananas are also practically in season all year to enjoy. Grab one on the go or as a snack as a healthy option to your daily eating regimen.