How do you measure your self worth?? You may not consciously think about how you measure your self worth, but it is likely that deep down, you do know. When you feel like you measure up to your expectations, you feel good about yourself. When you feel lacking or inadequate, you feel like you have fallen short and your self esteem falters. You might be very aware of how you feel at different times, but you never paused to stop and think about what you equate to meeting the level of self-worth that indicates your self-esteem. We measure our “worthiness” constantly.
This measuring may not be the most healthy practice, but we do it all the time. Do any of the following 5 measures sound familiar to you?
1. Appearance: How attractive you feel or how much you weigh, might be the make or break level for you. We live in a world of media that tells us that we are only as worthy as how we look. This can make us feel very insecure, especially about weight and the aging process.
2. Who you know: Sometimes we only feel empowered by the people we associate with. Some people feel it’s all about who you know. Others find their self-worth through their significant other. In reality, you cannot control what other people think about you all the time. Yet, everyone loves recognition and a compliment.
3. Your net worth: People sometimes define themselves by how much is in their bank account. Living beyond your means to impress others can lead to trouble. You seek the financial admiration form others.
4. Your career: Your profession defines you. Some people introduce themselves by what they do, such as saying their name and immediately telling their job after. This can lead to an identity crisis when anything goes astray at work.
5. What you achieve: This might be how many accolades you have acquired. Bragging is common. You avoid doing anything you might fail at.
It is best to measure yourself by factors that you can control in life. When you know who you are, your values, and your inner core, you don’t feel controlled by external factors. You will better be able to cope with life’s ups and downs. When a person believes in themselves, truly believes, they can better cope with trauma and failure. The challenge is to know who you are and love who you are, even when you don’t feel like you can. Have your inner circle of support, and a team that loves you for who you are.